Personal Data Protection

Personal Data Protection

If you are our customer, newsletter subscriber or website visitor, you are entrusting us with your personal data. We are responsible for their protection and security. Therefore, please familiarize yourself with the personal data protection, the principles and rights you have in connection with the GDPR (Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No. 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).


Who is the controller?

MONTI SYSTEMS s.r.o., ID number: 25348469, with registered office Prikop 843/4, Brno 602 00, Czech Republic, which operates the website and the premises at Velkomeziricska 989, Trebic 674 01, Czech Republic. We process your personal data as a controller, meaning we determine how personal data will be processed, for what purpose, for how long, and select any other processors who will assist us with processing this data.


Contact details

If you wish to contact us during the processing, you can reach us via email:



We declare that as the controller of your personal data, we fulfill all legal obligations required by the applicable legislation, especially GDPR, and thus:

  • we will process your personal data only on the basis of a valid legal reason, primarily legitimate interest, contract fulfillment, legal obligation, or granted consent,
  • we fulfill the information obligation according to Article 13 of GDPR before commencing the processing of personal data,
  • we will enable and support you in asserting and fulfilling your rights under GDPR.

Extent of personal data and purposes of processing

We process personal data that you entrust to us for the following purposes (to fulfill these purposes):

  • provision of services, contract fulfillment

Your personal data including name, surname, address, phone, email are necessary for contract fulfillment (goods delivery, sending order information).

  • accounting

If you are a customer, your personal data (billing details) are necessary for us to comply with legal obligations for issuing and keeping tax documents.

  • marketing - sending newsletters

We utilize your personal data (email and name, what you click on in the email, and when you most frequently open it) for direct marketing purposes - sending commercial communications. If you are our customer, we do so out of legitimate interest, as allowed by § 7 para. 3 of Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on certain information society services, for a period of 5 years from the last order.


If you are not our customer, we will send you newsletters only with your consent, for a period of 5 years from the date of consent. In both cases, you can unsubscribe using the unsubscribe link in each email sent.



While browsing our website, we record your IP address, how long you stay on the page, which products you view, and from which website you come to our site. We perceive the use of cookies for measuring website traffic and customizing the display of web pages as our legitimate interest as the controller, as we believe this data can provide us with facts to improve our services. You have the right to object to this processing under GDPR (Article 21) via

Cookies for targeted advertising will only be processed based on your consent according to your browser settings. We use them to reach you again with precisely targeted products or services. For processing cookies for targeted advertising, we utilize the following platforms with which we have a valid agreement or contract for personal data protection:

  • Sklik by, a.s.
  • Adwords by GOOGLE Ireland Limited
  • Facebook Ireland Limited

You can also browse our website in a mode that does not allow the collection of personal data. You can disable the use of cookies in your browser.



Security and protection of personal data

We protect your personal data to the maximum extent possible using modern technologies that correspond to the level of technological development. We protect them as if they were our own. We have adopted and maintain all possible (currently known) technical and organizational measures to prevent misuse, damage, or destruction of your personal data.

Transfer of personal data to third parties

Our employees and partners have access to your personal data.

To ensure specific processing operations that we cannot handle on our own, we utilize the services and applications of processors who can protect data even better than us and specialize in such processing.

These are providers from the following industries:

  • transportation and delivery services
  • accounting and tax offices
  • technological companies providing website operation and management
  • online and marketing agencies and platforms
  • product comparison services


It is possible that in the future we may decide to use additional applications or processors to facilitate and improve processing. However, we promise that in such cases, we will demand from processors at least the same level of security and processing quality as we do from ourselves.


Data transfer outside the European Union

All processing of personal data will be carried out in the territory of the EU.


Your rights in connection with the personal data protection

In connection with the personal data protection, you have several rights. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us via

You have the right to informationwhich is fulfilled by this information page with the principles of personal data processing.

Thanks to the right of access, you can request at any time, and within a period of 30 days, we will provide you with information on what personal data we process and why.

If something changes for you or you find your personal data outdated or incomplete, you have the right to supplement and change your personal data.

You can exercise the right to restrict processing if you believe that we are processing your inaccurate data, believe that we are processing unlawfully but do not want to delete all data, or if you have objected to processing. You can restrict the scope of personal data or the purposes of processing. (For example, by unsubscribing from the newsletter, you limit the purpose of processing for sending commercial communications.)


Right to Portability

If you would like to take your personal data and transfer it to someone else, we will proceed in the same way as when exercising the right of access - only with the difference that we will provide you with the information in a machine-readable format. We will need at least 60 days for this process.


Right to Erasure (Right to be forgotten)

Another right you have is the right to erasure (right to be forgotten). We do not want to forget about you, but if you wish, you have the right to do so. In such a case, we will erase all your personal data from our system as well as from the systems of all subprocessors and backups. To ensure the right to erasure, we need 90 days.

In some cases, we are bound by legal obligations, for example, we must keep records of issued tax documents for the period prescribed by law. In this case, we will delete all such personal data that are not bound by another law. We will inform you by email once the erasure is completed.

Complaint to Office for Personal Data Protection

If you feel that we are not handling your data in accordance with the GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection at any time. We would greatly appreciate it if you would first inform us of any such suspicions so that we can take action and rectify any mistakes.


Unsubscribing from Newsletters and Commercial Communications

We send you emails with inspiration, articles, products, and services if you are our customer, based on our legitimate interest.

If you are not yet a customer, we will only send them to you with your consent. In both cases, you can unsubscribe from our emails by clicking the unsubscribe link in each email sent.



We assure you that our employees, collaborators, and partners who process your personal data are required to maintain confidentiality about personal data and security measures, the disclosure of which would endanger the security of your personal data. This confidentiality applies even after the end of contractual relationships with us. Without your consent, your personal data will not be disclosed to any other third party.


These principles of personal data processing have been in effect since 25.5.2018.